20-year-old lady gives birth twice in one month, this time twins dailyactive Bangladeshi has hit headlines for giving birth to twins just 4 weeks after giving birth to first child. The 20-year-old gave birth 26 days after giving birth to her first child . Arifa Sultana gave birth to a boy in late February, according to Dr. Sheila Poddar, a gynecologist at Ad-Din hospital in Dhaka. After a normal delivery, the mother and baby were released from a different Dhaka hospital. Less than four weeks later, she was admitted to Ad-Din hospital. “She came to the hospital complaining of lower abdominal pain,” Poddar said. Doctors performed an ultrasound and realized Sultana was pregnant with twins. Sultana had two uteruses, a condition called uterus didelphys. Her first baby and the twins were conceived and grown in separate wombs. Image result for uterus didelphys “It is not very common to have two uteruses. When the uterus develops, it comes from two tubes, and those tu...