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Showing posts with the label women

Signs to show a company is a good employer for women

4 signs a company is a good employer for women By Katherine Klein, Shoshana Schwartz and Sandra Maro Hunt for CNN Business Perspectives Given the steady drumbeat of #MeToo stories over the past year, the news from CBS is depressingly familiar. So, it's not surprising that a growing number of investors are interested in screening companies on their treatment of the women they employ. For many, the goal is not just to avoid investing in companies that are bad for women. They'd like to invest in companies that are actually good for women. But finding these companies is a challenge — not because they don't exist, but because investors too often rely on inadequate metrics. You can't identify companies that are good employers for women simply by counting the number of women on a company's board or in its C-suite. Some studies find that when women hold positions of power, they foster positive working conditions — better pay, more promotions — for women lower...

How to tell if you have an STD

How to tell if you have an STD by Business Insider Plenty of illnesses announce their arrival with annoying or even alarming symptoms. But sexually transmitted diseases (better known as STDs) often don't. "In general, we say that most STDs are mostly asymptomatic," Dr. Charlotte Gaydos, a professor in the division of infectious diseases Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, told INSIDER. That means you might have an STD for a long time — potentially spreading it to sexual partners and leaving yourself at risk for health complications — but have no idea you're infected. This lack of symptoms is particularly prominent for certain STDs. For example, most people with chlamydia have no symptoms, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This is especially true for women: Up to 80% of women with the infection don't have them, Gaydos said. About half of women also don't show gonorrhea symptoms, Gaydos added (but men us...