Family Launch Private Search For Missing Footballer Sala Relatives of missing Premier League player Emiliano Sala on Saturday began a private search for his plane, which disappeared over the Channel after local police called off their own rescue mission. The news was announced by an online fund-raising campaign for the operation, and confirmed to AFP by a friend of the Argentine striker’s family. “The fund-raising appeal launched late Friday afternoon enabled Emiliano Sala’s relatives, via a specialised organisation, to resume research in the Channel early this Saturday morning,” said a statement on the GoFundMe website. “Two boats are leading the operations.” Around 2,000 people have so far contributed to the appeal, raising almost 190,000 euros ($217,000). Maria Jose Sottini, a friend of Sala’s sister Romina, confirmed to AFP that a privately-funded search led by a non-governmental organisation had begun on Saturday. A light aircraft transporting Sala, who signed f...