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Showing posts with the label UK

UK No Longer Supporting ED’s Application to Rejoin Commonwealth Due to Human Rights Abuses

United Kingdom’s Minister of State for Africa at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Harriet Baldwin said her country will not be able to support Zimbabwe’s application to be readmitted into the Commonwealth. She said this when she appeared before the British Parliament’s International Development Committee. Said Baldwin: "Zimbabwe has written a letter to the common wealth secretary as with many other countries, I would to say that the UK is one of the members of the common wealth, clearly, it has to be a unanimous decision by 53 members but as of today the UK will not be able to support that application because we don’t believe that the kind of human rights violations that we have seen from security forces in Zimbabwe is the kind of behavior that we would like to see from members of the common wealth."

UK combact drones

UK Now Has Systems to Combat Drones - Ben Wallace Detection systems are now able to be deployed throughout the UK to combat the threat of drones, ministers say. It follows three days of disruption at Gatwick airport last week, when drones were sighted near the runway. Security minister Ben Wallace said those who use drones "either recklessly or for criminal purposes" could expect "the most severe sentence". It comes after the couple arrested and released without charge over the chaos at Gatwick said they felt "violated". About 1,000 flights were affected during 36 hours of chaos at Gatwick airport last week. The airport has spent £5m since Wednesday on new equipment and technology to prevent copycat attacks.