Pop diva Lady Gaga and actor Taylor Kinney have called off their engagement, reports said Tuesday, more than a year after she thought she had found the right match. The singer has in recent days appeared without her engagement ring in photos she posted on Instagram from the resort town of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, where she has been volunteering at a charity for needy children. Lady Gaga and actor Taylor Kinney Neither artist or their representatives have commented but celebrity news sites E! News and TMZ both quoted unnamed sources saying they recently broke up. E! News said it was unclear who initiated the split but that they had agreed to keep it private. The 30-year-old Lady Gaga, known for her flamboyant outfits, in February last year showed off on Instagram a simple, heart-shaped engagement ring from Kinney. Kinney popped the question to Gaga, an Italian American whose real name is Stefani Germanotta, over a Valentine’s Day dinner last year at a New York restaurant own...